I) The shortlisted applicants based on the GATE scores or potentially Written
Assessment will be expected to show up in the Personal Interview to be held
at Delhi or some other spot as chosen by RAC/DRDO.
ii) The proposal of arrangement to the chose applicants will be confined to
the quantity of opening arranged by merit. The arrangement, in any case, will
be liable to fulfilling conditions like qualifying the Medical Examination
recommended for Group ‘A’ Technical posts of Govt. of India with Field Service
responsibility and check of character precursors other than confirmation of
SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwD(HH)/PwD(LD)/PwD(AAV)/PwD(Dw) authentication and so forth,
any place relevant.
iii) Final outcome (altered for individual up-and-comer) will be made accessible at
RAC site (
I) For Subjects/Disciplines under Part-I :
The last determination of the applicants will be simply based on discipline
astute class wise value of total of 80% weightage of imprints in the
Composed Examination and 20% weightage of imprints in Personal Interview.
ii) For Subjects/Disciplines under Part-II:
The last determination of the competitors will be absolutely based on discipline
savvy class wise value of total of 80% weightage of GATE score and
20% weightage of imprints in Personal Interview.
iii) The last choice of PwD(HH), PwD(LD), PwD(AAV/Dw) applicants against
the opportunities saved for them in the pertinent disciplines will be absolutely
based on consolidated value of total of 80% weightage of GATE
score and 20% weightage of imprints in Personal Interview.
iv) Only those up-and-comers getting least qualifying signs of 70% (for UR
classification) and 60% (for EWS/OBC/SC/ST/PwD classification) in the Personal
Interview will be considered for readiness of conclusive legitimacy list. Up-and-comers
who don’t qualify the meeting won’t be considered for definite determination
regardless of their Written Examination score (for Part-I teaches)/
Entryway score (for Part-II disciplines).
v) The choice against the UR opening will be done first in light of the
consolidated merit rundown, everything being equal. The topping off of overabundance opportunities in
OBC/SC/ST classification will be taken up in the wake of debilitating the UR opportunities.
vi) In the legitimacy list for conclusive choice, applicants will be considered for
determination against the opportunities in the associations (DRDO/DST/ADA) they
selected, arranged by their inclination. They will be obliged against
the opening of that association where their choice is clear and will
not be kept in that frame of mind of their higher inclinations.
vii) notwithstanding the abovementioned, some other choice instrument/test might be
controlled, at the sole caution of RAC.